Blogs to check

recommendations for your further cyber enjoyment..

  1. Tami Marie.
My dear friend and colleague and an intelligent, creative, dynamic young woman who has been integral in giving me the courage to produce this blog.

    2.  Barefoot Doctor

I find Barefoot always engaging and inspiring.  For this week only there's a great Webinair available which focuses on how we can release anxiety to live a fuller life.  At the end there is a sales pitch...we all gotta eat at the end of the maybe you'll get out the credit card, or maybe you'll switch off at that point...either way, I found the fundamental message of this talk, and the guided meditation calming and useful.

   3. Earth Porm

Amazing pictures and images, they all seem to trigger the imagination and carry me away somewhere....


  1. Awww...thank you for including me here. Your blog is fantastic. I am looking forward to seeing all that you do with it. :)
